Day 9
The Birth of Jesus
We all see Christmas for the blessed event it is. But what of Joseph? He was just forced to travel about 80 miles by foot with his very expectant wife. Surely, this brought great anguish to Joseph, trying to make sure they are not travelling when the blessed moment arrived.
And then, they make it to Bethlehem. Some anguish has been relieved, but now he and his very expectant Mary are rejected. Oh, the pains for Joseph in feeling that Mary and Jesus are being rejected on his account as he searches for a place for them. As the head of the Holy Family, he is to provide for his family. And a place to stay in one of the most basic needs. And he is only able to provide a stable. A barn? That's it! This is all he can provide for the Immaculate Virgin and the Son of God? Oh, the anguish.
And now, the blessed event! Jesus is born and Joseph can now hold his Son! He can hold the Creator of the Heavens! Oh, how he marveled at his head, his eyes, his fingers, and his toes. He marvels at the greatness of God bound within a small infant. Adoring God who hid his greatness in order to be near us.
He does everything to make this place the best place for his family. God calls some visitors, which Joseph likely meets with trepidation. But then rejoices all the more knowing they were called by God. Joseph marvels at the humility of God. Being born in a stable and then calling lowly shepherds to be the first visitors. Joseph is humbled in knowing that he is unable to provide anything fit for the King, except his heart. And that, God had from the start. But how Joseph longs to give so much more.
Joseph, help us to see the beauty in lowliness, that we might humble ourselves before Our King in great Adoration and thanksgiving for all of the ways He has humbled Himself for us: as an infant, on the Cross, and in the Eucharist. Amen.