Day 5
How Good of a Son was Joseph to The Father?
Again, we hear nothing of Joseph's childhood in the Bible. But does one stop being a child of Our Heavenly Father when they are grown up? Of course not. We never stop being a child of God, which is such an immense blessing.
So, how do we see Joseph being a good son of the Father in the Bible? In Joseph's obedience. Despite the situation Joseph is faced with, he always responds to the Father with obedience. Even if it means great difficulty for him.
And who is it that relays the Father's messages to Joseph? An angel that appears to Joseph in his dreams. Four times we hear of such cases in the Bible. And how does Joseph respond in each case? By quickly doing what he is told.
When he is preparing to leave Mary, the angel tells him to take Mary into his home and to be father to Jesus. Joseph does so immediately. When the angel tells him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt because Herod is looking to kill Jesus. Joseph leaves immediately "by night". [Matthew 2:14] He did not wait until morning, but left immediately.
We also hear of the angel appearing to Joseph to return from Egypt and then to stay in Nazareth rather than Bethlehem. And Joseph responds with obedience. Sure, he would be concerned about what could happen, especially knowing his duty as protector of the Father's two greatest treasures.
What about us? Are we good children to Our Heavenly Father? We all know that we have sinned. We have not lived up to the high ideal that Jesus showed us. But Our Father wants to reconcile us back to the Family, the Church. And we are reconciled by the blood of Christ. When we ask forgiveness of our sins through Jesus to Our Father, we are reconciled. And how do we do this? In Confession. There the priest stands in for Jesus with authority He gave all priests. "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them." [John 20:23] And Jesus' death destroys our sin. The eternal sacrifice of the Son for His siblings is made new once again.
Joseph, help us to be good sons and daughters of the Father and help us to be reconciled to the Family whenever we are not. Amen.